Areas of Expertise

Portfolio Management

  • Successful investment strategies are long term and strategic – but should be adjusted tactically based on shorter term shifts in economic cycles and market conditions.
  • Diversification through asset allocation is essential to optimizing the balance between risk and return.
  • Tax efficiency is a critical component of success as the return on investment after taxes is what truly matters most.
  • Fee minimization through the utilization of appropriate investment securities and other investment vehicles is imperative.

We offer a comprehensive, fiduciary oriented approach to formulating a customized investment strategy tailored to your unique situation. Because our services are provided on a fee-only basis, we receive no commissions from any source, our investment strategies are 100% objective, impartial and always in our clients’ best interest.


Retirement Planning

Assess standard of living

Build Retirement Shock Absorber®

Calculate rate of withdrawal

Analyze pension and social security benefits

Develop Retirement Income Plan

Investment Planning

Evaluate risk tolerance

Determine asset allocation strategy

Present investment strategy

Select investment managers

Assess tax implications

Monitor and re-balance

Estate Planning

Discuss family dynamics and legacy planning

Ensure estate plan matches intentions

Coordinate with estate planners and attorneys

Manage estate taxes

Implement wealth transfer and gifting strategies

Education Planning

Discuss educational goals

Evaluate savings vehicles

Determine investments for education fund

Philanthropic Planning

Charitable legacies

Private Family Foundations

Charitable remainder trusts

Risk Management

Assess existing insurance coverage

Evaluate asset protection, goal protection, income protection and liability protection strategies

Coordinate with insurance specialists and attorneys

Tax Planning

Develop income and withdrawal plans

Manage taxes

Assess tax consequences of portfolio

Conduct tax-loss harvesting

Coordinate with client CPAs and accountants